Caring for your garden is about more than just solving problems as they arise. A gardener who is truly connected to their garden understands that the key to healthy plants is maintaining a careful balance in which your plants can thrive. Based on your garden’s location, weather and altitude, the measures that need to be taken can vary. Read on for pro tips on how to keep plants healthy.

Signs of a Healthy Plant

At Garden in a Bag, we believe in always keeping an eye on your plants for signs of poor health and damage. Inspect garden plants regularly to make sure they are free of pests and rot. Educate yourself on the various ways in which your plants are vulnerable to the environment you live in and eliminate aphids, gnats and flies using organic pesticides. Healthy plants are a consistent shade of green, with stems and leaves that are not discoloured.

Water Properly

Watering your plants is important, but for best results, it is recommended that you alter the volume of water the plants receive based on the weather. Overwatering of plants can lead to uncontrolled fungi growth, leaf spots and damaged plant roots. Rather than water all plants equally, learn about which plants need more water based on the species and let the soil dry adequately before watering again. Healthy soil should be moist and loose, not waterlogged.

It Begins with the Soil

Healthy soil is the key to all plant life. Over time, even good soil starts to degrade, and it is up to the vigilant gardener to add nutrients and structure back into the soil. You can buy new soil from a garden store or add a thick layer of high-quality mulch to prevent soil erosion and add fresh organic matter over time. Mulch also prevents weeds from growing and maintains the temperature of the soil.

Plant Maintenance

Plants require constant maintenance, and the more a gardener learns about each plant, the better equipped they are to encourage growth. Removing old flower blooms to boost fresh growth is called deadheading. Pruning involves cutting the branches of plants, and culling is all about removing unhealthy bits. When practiced together, these methods clear out pests and maintain a healthy environment.

Get Rid of Weeds

Weeding a garden should be regular and thorough. Weeds grow around the roots of plants and can suffocate them, grow extremely quickly and become a home for pests if left unchecked.


Intercropping is when many different crops are planted together as companion plants for a variety of benefits. When intercropping is done correctly, productivity increases, pests are driven away, and an ideal habitat is created for helpful insects.

Plant Growing Tips from the Experts

Taking care of your plants is a deeply involved, holistic process that requires attention to detail, not only to the soil and the plants but also to pests and other environmental factors that specifically affect your garden. Call Garden in a Bag on 0413 044 240 for more plant growing tips or browse our list of products to find out what your plants are missing!