Shrubs and Trees
Shrubs and Trees
Planting new shrubs and trees is not a difficult job, but one to get right, if you want your new plants to have the best start in life. The most important considerations are root health, weather, soil conditions, aftercare and the correct compost.
Adding compost to shrubs and trees is an excellent, cost-effective way to improve growth, blooms and, ultimately, beauty. Our compost is specifically designed to give trees nand shrubs the perfect head start when planting out into areas where the existing soil/substrate is lacking in organic matter and the nutrients required for healthy plant growth.
Ideal For:
Tree and shrub compost is ideal for Shrubs, Trees, Roses, Hedging Fruit Bushes, including ericaceous plants .Planting bare root outdoor roses, trees, shrubs, moving or planting established and container plants.
How to use:
Planting Out:
- Water the plant thoroughly.
- Dig a hole twice as big as the root ball.
- Part fill the hole with a mix of 50% soil and 50% Levington® Rose, Tree and Shrub Compost.
- Ensure the plant is at the same level as in the pot.
- To provide stability for taller plants a stake may be hammered into the ground and the plant loosely tied to it.
- Fill in firmly and water.
- For best results ensure that the soil around the plant does not dry out in the first seasons.
- Tree and Shrub compost contains season long feed for the first season, no feeding is required.
- Always read the label and product information before use.